Friday 12 December 2014


G Codes:
G-Code or preparatory code or function, are functions in the Numerical control programming language. The G-codes are the codes that position the tool and do the actual work, as opposed to M-codes, that manages the machine.
T for tool-related codes
S and F are tool-Speed and tool-Feed,
D-codes for tool compensation
M codes:
M codes control the overall machine, causing it to stop, start, and turn on coolant, etc. whereas other codes pertain to the path traversed by cutting tools. Different machine tools may use the same code to perform different functions; even machines that use the same CNC control.
Partial list of M-Codes:
M00=Program Stop (non-optional)
M01=Optional Stop, machine will only stop if operator selects this option
M02=End of Program
M03=Spindle on (CW rotation)
M04=Spindle on (CCW rotation)
M05=Spindle Stop
M06=Tool Change
M07=Coolant on (flood)
M08=Coolant on (mist)
M09=Coolant off
M10=Pallet clamp on
M11=Pallet clamp off
M19=Spindle orientation
M30=End of program/rewind tape (may still be required for older CNC machines)

G00 Code:
G00 code is a rapid tool move that is used when moving tool in a linear motion from position to position without cutting any material.
G01 code:
The G01 code is a straight line feed move in a combination of X, Y or Z axis. It’s used specifically for the linear removal of material from a work piece. 

The following example is done by using G00 and G01 codes

         N01 G90 G20
         N02 M06 T05 M03 S1200
         N03 G00 X0 Y0 Z2
         N04 G00 X10 Y10
         N05 G01 Z-2.5 F200
         N06 G01 X30 Y10
         N07 G01 X30 Y30
         N08 G01 X25 Y30
         N09 G01 X25 Y15
         N10 G01 X15 Y15
         N11 G01 X15 Y30
         N12 G01 X10 Y30
         N13 G01 X10 Y10
         N14 G00 Z2
         N15 G00X0 Y0
         N16 M05 M30


Unknown said...

can u send me its detail

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi afsheen,do you listen me.

Anonymous said...

hi afsheen,do you listen me.

Anonymous said...

hi afsheen,do you listen me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi afsheen khanam,how are you. do you notice my text.

Anonymous said...

afsheen, if you help me how to use it properly, otherwise i will fail to join with you.

Anonymous said...

i hope you will teach me about the system which is completely a new subject to me .will you my teacher dear friend. ok. i love you.

Unknown said...

hi ataur rahman where are u from?

Unknown said...

what do u want to learn?

Anonymous said...

hi dear afsheen, I am from DHAKA,THE CAPITAL CITY OF BANGLADESH. I am a muslim but i am not a fundamentalist.i love all peoples of other religions.i am very simple & honest. i try to help the poor ,helpless peoples within my hermful to the others.i think that you are also a muslim but you are too smart.your beautiful appearence attract me seriously.thanks for to take information about me. i love you my darling.

Anonymous said...

hi dear afsheen, I am from DHAKA,THE CAPITAL CITY OF BANGLADESH. I am a muslim but i am not a fundamentalist.i love all peoples of other religions.i am very simple & honest. i try to help the poor ,helpless peoples within my hermful to the others.i think that you are also a muslim but you are too smart.your beautiful appearence attract me seriously.thanks for to take information about me. i love you my darling.

Anonymous said...

i think ,i passed in the exam. which you directed me . now you are my teacher & i am your is my conception that you know verious functions of computer far far better then me.if you allow me as your student i will be greatful to you. thank you & love you.

Anonymous said...

i think ,i passed in the exam. which you directed me . now you are my teacher & i am your is my conception that you know verious functions of computer far far better then me.if you allow me as your student i will be greatful to you. thank you & love you.

Anonymous said...

please ,let me know about yourself.i will waite for you.

Unknown said...

what do u do rahman

Unknown said...

what do u do rahman

Anonymous said...

i was a government officer but i leaved it for my some personal i have a small business.i permited to build an 5th floors appartment.i completed up to 3rd floors. i rent them as per monthly system.this is my only source of income. thank you for your interest on my affair. i love you so much.please let me know about your self.

Anonymous said...

are you originally pakistani ?your parents are not along with you?you are struggling for study.if i come to your any help i will try.but this is the 1st time i use your i am using it ,do you get any benifit from this? tell me please.thank you for accept islam as your are welcome in islam.real islam is great. i love you.

Anonymous said...

are you originally pakistani ?your parents are not along with you?you are struggling for study.if i come to your any help i will try.but this is the 1st time i use your i am using it ,do you get any benifit from this? tell me please.thank you for accept islam as your are welcome in islam.real islam is great. i love you.