Saturday, 22 February 2014

To plot voltage, current and power waveform of an RLC circuit(engineering lab report)

Required Components:

Voltage Source (Vsin), Resistor (R), Inductor (L), Capacitor (C), Ground (Gnd) and connecting wires.

Circuit Diagram



Open Schematics.
Go to get new parts, select and place the required components. 
Click on draw wire and connect all the elements.
Configure the values of all the placed elements.
Go to analysis   setup check transient.
Open transient  set print step and step ceiling to 0.1ms, final time to 40ms and print delay to 0s.
Saves the circuit.
Go to analysis and simulate the circuit.
Go to OrCad window  Trace  Add Trace  I(R), V(R).
View the waveform.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

e8c21o5q80 x3k20y9g44 h9y86d2w83 w3f18u5r88 l7b91d7i93 e8u79u0m37